Sunday, November 30, 2008

Traitors for the Tale

This month I only had to finished about 100 points. Some traitor guardsmen and a traitor senitel.

Some Ogre painted

I've finished two more ogres, next month I'm planning on finished the ogre regiment.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Terrain project finished

I've finished a terrain project for a demo we are going to give next weekend.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Preparing a demo table

We're going to give a demo at Crisis and Wiz and me have been preparing a city fight table.

The building still need a lick of paint but construction is finished.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Tale of 8 Xhammers

My gaming club has started a Tale of Gamers event, a tribute to old white dwarf article.

I've entered a Lost and the Damned army and for my first month a unit of 25 mutants. For my next month I'll be painting a HQ option, maybe a chaos lord.

Space wolf blood claws

I've finished some more blood claws, I'm almost done with the painting for the demo.

I've started making the city tiles, picture coming soon.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Space wolf reinforcements

Group picture

Long fangs - Plasma Cannon

Blood Claw

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wolf guard and Rune priest

I've finished 4 wolf guard, they're intented to lead blood claw and grey hunter squads. At the moment I've only got enough models for 3 squads so I'll have to paint some more basic wolf models.

Next month I'll paint up 2 long fangs (plasma cannons), a blood claw and an inquisitor lord. for fantasy I'll be finishing a chaos warrior battle standard bearer I started years ago.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Finished some blood claws and long fangs

2 plasma pistol, 1 meltagun and 1 bolt pistol blood claw and 1 power weapon + plasma pistol wolf guard.

2 heavy bolter long fangs, 5 bolt pistol and chainsword blood claws.

Next on my painting list is a rune priest in terminator armour and 4 wolf guard with diverse equipment. I've also started on a terrain project.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Painted fantasy models

The painted ogres, I had half painted them long ago and finally finished them.

The giant, I also half painted it last year and finally finished the model. I wanted the pants to look like the giant tore up flags to make them.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Again space wolf marines

4 Grey hunters

A rune priest

I've also finished 6 more blood claws and 2 long fangs but still have to take some pictures.

On the fantasy settings I've finished 2 ogres that I started long ago and a gaint.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I finished some more Wolves

A Leman Russ

Some more Grey Hunters

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finished 10 space wolves

I painted 10 space wolves for the feb painting contest of my club.