Friday, July 17, 2009

City fight terrain - Expansion 2 - Part 1

Last quarter was a success, Wiz and me both finished our blocks :) and I'll be creating a channel and bridge. This will cover 10 city blocks.

I'm making 3 pieces of terrain :

1 bridge
2 channels

A lucky find at a flea market for the bridge :

I made the baseboard from 6 mm MDF like all the city blocks. Add some walls (from castlemolds) to contain the water

Added rubble

Added rubble and a crashed spaceship from another dimension

City fight terrain - Expansion - Finished

I've finished the city fight terrain expansion.

Space wolves defending a dark angel artifact, who would have ever expect this situation ...

An inner city warehouse

Entry point to the warehouse offices

Entry point to the warehouse elevator

The space wolves defending the upper level

Traitor guard digging into a crator

The wolves defending an important anti air defence turrent.

Auto targetting systems have lock-on on inbound traitor valkyrie. Firing solution found, auto cannon firing ...