Sunday, March 29, 2009

End of March update

So I've not finished the terrain project as I was sick and simply lost steam.

I did finish my Black Coach for my undead army and started repainting (finishing) my grave guard. At the moment I've finished 10 grave guard, 10 more repaints to go and 4 to paint from scratch.

In April I'm hoping to finish 5 Black Knights, 10 Skeletons, 1 Vampire and the Grave Guard.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Space Hulk terrain

I've started on a terrain project for a demo my club will be presenting at the end of the year.

A space hulk setup, the first baby steps.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vampire Count revival

I've started playing with my VC army again :) so I thought I would paint the Black Coach this month.